@@include('../layouts/head-page-meta.html', {'title': 'Invoice View'}) @@include('../layouts/head-css.html')
@@include('../layouts/layout-vertical.html')INV - 000457
8534 Saunders Hill Apt. 583
(970) 982-3353
55D Leatha Way Ernaburgh, NT 2146
# | Name | Description | Total Amount | Qty | Total |
1 | Mauris | Malesuada adipiscing | $80.00 | 2 | $160.00 |
2 | Vitae | Hac egestas | $40.00 | 3 | $120.00 |
3 | Mauris | Malesuada adipiscing | $80.00 | 4 | $320.00 |
Sub Total :
Discount :
Taxes :
Grand Total :
It was a pleasure working with you and your team. We hope you will keep us in mind for future freelance projects. Thank You!